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Showing posts from April, 2020

7 Best Part-Time Carrier Options.

7 Best part-time carrier options. Nowadays there are too many fights for a job and our education the system is really too boring and made for a job like a rat cage and students doesn't try some creative things and part-time jobs so that they are exploring the new field of life and not doing hard work for a job but also they are doing some creative job and also being it full time and being a millionaire also. 1.Blogging Many people don't know about blogging but really it is too easy, creative and mindblowing things which you definitely start.  Blogging  is the set of many skills that one needs to run and control a blog . Equipping web page with tools to make the process of writing, posting, linking, and sharing content easier on the internet. You Start with simple blogs and with the time you make it better, you don't believe but this is my third blog .there are many free and easier site for blogging you can google. 2.Graphic designer only a month is req

Best Motivation Movies To Watch

Let's be honest ourself that we haven't been that motivated to do work and here we are for you, here is a list of 7 inspirational movies that will inspire you in some aspect of your life. 1.The Imitation Game  This is a War Movie. This Movie Motivated me to be free and there is a Dialogue in this movie," Sometimes It is the people no one Imagine anything of who do the things no one can Imagine ". 2.The Social Network  This Movie is the biography of Facebook How Facebook started and what was the problems faced by Mark Zuckerberg. This is a must-watch for all the programmers. This Movie is the reason I started Doing programming, this movie motivated to be more  3.  Manjhi – The Mountain Man This is a biography of a man named Manjhi who c arved a road through the mammoth peak because this wife passed away will crossing the mountain. this is truly inspirational. 4.  Forrest Gump This movie is the

Best Personal Development Books

Best Personal Development Books A few months before I couldn't have imagined my self to read any book. I was the type of person who doesn't like to read the book of his  curriculum  but here I am now reading 4 hours a day. It is well said that what happens, happens for good and the quarantine has also happened for good so my friend be better and read books, here are my few picks that changed my life in almost every field so at least read these books before you this quarantine is over and I bet that your future self will thank you for reading these books.  This month's choices are next month result 1. Awaken the Giant Within (by Tony Robbins) This   Book is a proper training Manual for a person who wants to change his life. The author tells about the main points that you have to succeed to be successful in life and these are:- 1. Emotional 2. Physical 3. Relationship 4. Financial 5. Time Read This book

7 Ways to Live a Quality Life.

How to live a quality life in quarantine. Nowadays we have a lot of time in those days, so we are all time using social media like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat etc and go live every day the same. So you are not realised but you wasted your time and sometimes fell frustrating but you live a better life if you follow some good habits. 1.  Waking up in the morning. If you wake up in the early morning    The 5 AM Miracle , author Jeff Sanders delivers a guide to reaping the benefits of early rising, it is really hard to wake up at 5 AM but nowadays we definitely a wakeup at 5 AM and after that you realised that your whole day is feeling with great happiness and also it helps you to be more focused, feel more energetic and optimistic. 2. Doing Exercise If you doing Exercise, it is difficult to start but one time you start you feel much better and confident. Firstly start with some push-ups or short running and increase your exercise time  After a month you realised the

Best 10 Life Hacks

10 Life Hacks That Will Change Your Life All these first world problems  can easily ruin your day. Luckily, the internet is full of handy DIY life hacks and tips that can help you! 1. Start a fire Chips are not just a tasty snack. Fat, oil and the chemicals in potato (or other) chips make them a perfect fire-starting material. 2. Time-marked water bottle Here’s a great way to keep track of your daily water intake. Draw lines on your water bottle with a marker pen, and then write the time beside the marked level. The marking will serve as a visual reminder for you to drink water, and it will help you achieve your daily water intake requirement. 3. Amplify your phone’s speakers Put your phone into a drinking glass or a bowl to boost the volume of its speakers. 4. Make ice last longer in a cooler When you go to the beach and take your cooler with you, sprinkle salt on the ice so that it stays frozen for much longer.

Best Productive Apps

Best Productive Apps As we all are in Quarantine lets promise ourselves that when this Quarantine gets over We will be better than what we are now. 1.  Push-Ups   This is a real personal fitness trainer. This is a cool bodybuilder. Pushups Workout not only helps to count the number of push-ups workout you do but also calculates the calorie you lose during every excise and makes the training plan based on your daily training and body status. 2.   Fabulous: Self Care Fabulous is a habit tracker that helps you to build habit .it is not just a normal habit tracker it motivates you to be better . you can do many habits they have a training program like a game that helps you to stick to your habit. in the end, it is an effective way to build your habits   3 Pinterest  It helps you discover billion of possibilities that your life have but you are unable to see it. B asically, it is social media that have only a positive impact 4.  Daylio