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Benefits of Meditation

Benefits of Meditation

Meditation has changed my life, it has taught me how to focus and be calmer. With new research coming put every week illustrating the benefits of meditation .the meditation has some amazing neurological benefits and here are seven of them 

1. Increased Mental Clarity

Studies have found that people who did meditation were more self-aware and more emotionally stabled. they tend to fell more clear about there life and what they wanted to do in their lives 

2. Increase in Focus

Focused-attention meditation is like weight lifting for your attention span. It helps increase the strength and endurance of your attention. Research has shown that people who did mediation were more attentive and performed better than their peer group, I have experienced I to it help me to read as it requires a lot of focus.

3. Improves Sleep

As I was preparing for my 12th Board Exam I usually tend to sleep around 3AM
and my sleep was not that good usually I tend to sleep more than 9 hours but during Quarantine, I started doing mediation right before sleep it had done a miracle for me now I am able to walk up between 5 to 6 AM in the morning without even feeling tired. what I have personally experienced is that medition lets you go of all of your thought about the day and helps you to sleep more effectively. 

4. Prevent From Aging Brain Problem

UCLA researchers have shown that long term editor had better-preserved brain than the non-meditators, they had more grey matter than those who didn't meditate. 

5. Helps From Depression, Anxiety 

Researcher Madhav Goyal and his team found that the effect size of meditation was moderate, at 0.3. If this sounds low, keep in mind that the effect size for antidepressants is also 0.3, which makes the effect of meditation sound pretty good.

6. Helps To fight addiction

Mediation Can help you fight any addiction that you are suffering now, as it enables you to control your thoughts and let you overview the situation when you get the cue for that bad habit, it tells you that what you are feeling now is just an emotional trigger.

7. Reduce Stress 

Stress is the most dangerous thing that any person can own it is a silent killer. it destroys your life. It has been proven that meditation can help you to be from stress it can make you feel more grateful and happy. 

THANK YOU For your precious time and if you have time then please check our other suggestion to improve your life and if don't have then just bookmark it,

your time is more important


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