The Chrome Extention You Should Need If You Are A Youtuber Google Chrome is one of the best web browsers that you can use. A feature that many like is the ability to add extensions that can enhance your overall browsing experience. If you use another chromium-based browser like Opera or one of my personal favorites Vivaldi, Chrome extensions can be used with those browsers as well. TubeBuddy for YouTube TubeBuddy is The Premier YouTube Channel Management and Video Optimization Toolkit YouTube Creators will find their new best friend in TubeBuddy. Our browser extension adds a layer of amazing functionality right on top of YouTube's website. You can perform bulk updates to your videos such as adding annotations or cards to all your videos with just a few clicks. You can perform Find/Replace on your videos just as if you were using a word processor. You can generate professional custom thumbnails using screenshots and branding/text layers. You can eng
Atomic Habits Summary a·tom·ic əˈtämik 1. an extremely small amount of a thing; the single irreducible unit of a larger system. 2. the source of immense energy or power. hab·it ˈhabət 1. a routine or practice performed regularly; an automatic response to a specific situation. Ch-1 The Fundamentals 1% BETTER EVERY DAY 1% worse every day for one year. 0.99 365= 00.03 1% better every day for one year. 1.01 365= 37.78 Our Habits can Compound for us or Against us The effects of small habits compound over FORGET ABOUT GOALS, FOCUS ON SYSTEMS INSTEAD Problems arise when you spend too much time thinking about your goals and not enough time designing your systems. Problem #1 : Winners and losers have the same goals. Problem #2 : Achieving a goal is only a momentary change. Problem #3 : Goals restrict your happiness. Problem #4 : Goals are at odds with long-term progress. Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement. Ge